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Tim dokter dan ahli Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative Medicine Experts di Klinik Utama Specialist Medical Center
MayJen (Purn) Dr. dr. Tugas Ratmono, Sp.S, MARS, MH
Regenerative Neuro Reconstruction

Kol. (Purn) dr. Mozart, Sp.B
Regenerative Surgical

Dr. Arief Budi Witarto, B.Eng, M.Eng
Stem-Cells and BioMaterials Expert

dr.Nelson Sudiyono, Sp.KFR
Regenerative MusculoSkeletal and Pain Rehab

dr. Reza A Digambiro, Sp.P(A), M.Kes., M.Ked
Tissue-Specific Regenerative Medicine

dr. Riska Anton, DPDK, Sp.P(K)
Regenerative Diagnostic

dr. D.G. Erichtrijimmy, MBA
Regenerative Wellness, Lifestyle and Anti-Aging

dr. Oe Ping Handajanto
Regenerative Pre and Post Treatment

dr. Chen Purwanto Chandra, Akp.
Integrative East West Regenerative Medicine

dr. Lusi Kamal
Aesthetic and Wellness Regenerative

dr. Jaya Sjamsoedin, Akp.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Wellness Regenerative

drg. Imam Rullyawan, MARS
Dental and Mouth Health Regenerative

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